New York has one of the lowest COVID-19 positivity rates in the United States. The 7-day rolling average of COVID-19 positivity by state can be found here.
Eligible New Yorkers for the COVID-19 vaccine include those that are 16 years old or older, reside in New York, or work or study in New York. Vaccines are available at a variety of locations including pharmacies, hospitals, local health departments and Federally Qualified Health Centers statewide.
Contact your preferred provider to schedule your vaccine appointment. Remember that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses of the vaccine and a second appointment will be necessary. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine requires only one appointment.
Vaccine appointments fill up quickly. Check for appointments multiple times per day, especially very late at night. For a list of sites in New York State check here. For a list of sites in New York City check here.
Rapid COVID-19 testing is available through the NY Forward Rapid Test Program and offers results within 30 minutes for no more than $30. These locations can be found here and are a great option if quick results are needed. PCR tests, which produce results in 24 hours or more, are available at most Urgent Care, Hospitals and Doctors offices.
As of April 1st, 2021 asymptomatic travelers entering New York from another U.S. state or territory are no longer required to test or quarantine upon return. Quarantine is still recommended for travelers who are not fully vaccinated or have not recovered from laboratory confirmed COVID-19 in the past 3 months. Travelers that are experiencing symptoms must self-isolate and contact their local health department or their healthcare providers to determine if they should seek COVID-19 testing.
International travelers that are vaccinated against COVID-19 should be tested 3-5 days after their return to the U.S. and self-monitor for symptoms. International travelers that are unvaccinated against COVID-19 should be tested 3-5 days after they return to the U.S. and self quarantine for a full 7 days. If you are not tested, the self-quarantine should last for the full 10 days. All travelers should self-monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms do in fact develop. Travelers will need to isolate if they test positive for COVID-19.