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cdpap program

What is CDPAP?

New York’s Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a
Medicaid-sponsored plan that empowers you to personally choose, evaluate,
hire and even dismiss a qualifying individual as your compassionate caregiver.
This exciting homecare program enables you to receive the same level of
service from someone you’ve always trusted.

It’s Rewarding.

If a live-in family member provides you the adequate assistance and reassuring attention you need, CDPAP compensates them for performing their everyday acts of kindness.

It’s Comforting.

By embracing your right to choose, you get the care you want, the caregiver you want, and the care schedule you want—the best case scenario for your overall wellbeing.

It’s Inspiring.

CDPAP offers a unique way to stay happy, healthy, secure and engaged in the daily comfort of family, all while receiving the practical support services your lifestyle needs.

Enroll Now
true family care

Hire your personal assistant

Learn more about Medicaid coverage and how
care from a loved one can get compensated
under New York's CDPAP program.
brooklyn consumer directed personal assistance program

The enrollment

True Care stays with you every step
of the way as you seek authorization. Learn more
about CDPAP’s 4-step enrollment process.
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Want the latest CDPAP updates?

Educate yourself and check out the latest postings on True Care Today, our home care community blog