home health aide private clients
dependable home health care
Families enjoy our private client service


best private care

Truly Compassionate

Choose caregivers who
strive to ensure your
optimal health, well being
and comfort
care private

Truly Skilled

From Home Health Aides
to Registered Nurses, our
professionals take care to
a higher level
client care assistant

Truly Personalized

Our uniquely trained team
follows a plan tailored for you,
engaging your family with a
personal touch

Paying Privately?

Access True Care Private Client for a
full suite of concierge resources:

Home Health Aides

Hourly, Shift and Live-in Care

Hospital-to-Home Medical Escorts

Residence or Facility-based Care

RN And LPN Care Management

Specialty Dementia Care

Infusion Therapies

We also provide supplemental hours if
insurance doesn’t cover the entirety of your
needs. As always, our skill and compassion
are part of your custom care plan.


Medical Escort Services

Our Hospital-to-Home Care™ escorts offer companionship, emotional support and dependable chaperoning as you get to and from appointments or procedures.

Keys to a better care with Truecare

Our escorts help you come, go and keep your appointments with peace of mind:

Doctor’s Appointments

Hospital Trips

Surgery Accompaniment


Physical Therapy

Medical Travel

Prescription Pickup

Business Trips

When family members don’t have the opportunity to take you home after an appointment, your Hospital-to-Home Care aide is there. Our caregivers wait for the duration of your session to offer additional support and return you safely home. 

client home health care

Nurse Care

Our Care Advocate provides support for our clients’ care management, going beyond the scope of a home health aide to bridge the gap through a recovery period.

client care plan

Our Care Advocate help our
clients and their families with:

Providing routine RN home visits & general care assessments

Maintaining consistent communication between
medical care providers, family members, and caregivers

Assisting with medication management

Advocating and coordinating care while in a hospital,
nursing home, and/or rehab center

Coordinating and attending medical appointments

Arranging services for legal and financial advisers

Educating the client, their family members and caregivers
of treatment options, resources and other concerns


When family members are living at a distance or the responsibilities
of a complex condition become too much, our Care Advocate oversees
the client’s’ plan of care with compassion, giving the level of
experience and attention needed for each client’s needs.

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