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5 Ways to Appreciate Your Caregiver

We at True Care take sincere pleasure each year in coming up with different ways to show our caregivers how much we appreciate them, not only in November (National Caregiver Appreiciation Month) but year round. We’d like to share some of this insight with you on how you too can show your caregiver how grateful you are for the care they offer each day.


1. Words of encouragement: Write a note thanking your caregiver for all the hard work and dedication they have offered you for the duration of time they have been your caregiver. Additionally, when you hand this note to your aide you should also say a few heartfelt words to them in person. But don’t stop there, give them a hug and let them know what your favorite part of your day is with them. Words of encouragement are a wonderful way to show your caregiver they are appreciated and loved.

2. Say please and thank you:  A simple please and thank you to show your appreciation goes a long way. Often times we fall into a routine and forget to show gratitude for help with everyday tasks. We never know what someone is going through in their personal life, so a little extra kindness can make a huge difference in your caregiver's day.

3. Ask about their life outside of work:  Questions and acknowledgments about their family, their hobbies, their weekend, or a special event they attended are great ways to get to know your caregiver. Your genuine interest will let them know they are valued. “How was your daughter’s recital?" "Did your son do well on his math test?" "Did you get to see that movie you talked about?” These seem like simple questions, however, the point is to let your caregiver know you care about them too.

4. Share your talent: If you have a hobby or special talent, like painting, knitting, drawing, or singing- share your talent with your caregiver. A hand-painted or hand-drawn card, a hand-knit scarf, or a song from the heart just for them. This can be especially effective if your caregiver is a family member or friend. We often take the people closest to us for granted; sharing something you created is an invaluable gift and will show your caregiver you think of them often. 

5. Make a phone call: My grandmother recently turned 90-years-old. For her birthday I coordinated a birthday party inviting family and friends that have known her over the years. Two weeks after the event, my grandmother surprised me by calling me to let me know how much fun she had on her birthday. She was so surprised by how many people attended to celebrate her and wanted to thank me for coordinating. I truly appreciated this phone call. It brought me joy knowing how much she enjoyed herself. If you have that family member who has cared for you in a special way, surprise them with a phone call and let them know how it made you feel. A phone call can go a long way and makes your caregiver -whether neighbor, family member, or friend- feel appreciated.


These are just a few examples of how you can show your caregiver how much you appreciate them. If your caregiver happens to work for True Care, we highly suggest you also talk to your coordinator and let them know what a great job your caregiver is doing. Suggest they nominate them for the True Star Award (True Care’s Monthly Caregiver Appreciation Award) and we will take care of the rest.

What are some other ways you can think of to show your appreciation? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below or via social media.

Posted by Kelly La Rosa in Caregiver Corner

Written by Kelly La Rosa Kelly La Rosa

Kelly La Rosa is the Creative Campaigns Manager at True Care. As part of the Branding team, she is responsible for digital content creation, social media management, and Editor of the True Care blog. For years, since the abrupt passing of her paternal grandfather, Kelly has been an advocate for Alzheimer's and dementia-related illnesses. She is currently pursuing an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

DISCLAIMER: THIS BLOG DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.