As temperatures rise during the summer, it is important to take the proper precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke. People aged 65 and older and individuals with pre-existing conditions are the most at risk in hot weather. As the season warms up, it’s important for family caregivers to prepare their seniors and themselves for the skyrocketing temperatures.
Summer Safety Tips for Seniors: Caregiving in the Summer
Posted by True Care Staff in heat, in summer, in mindfulness, in wellbeing
Beat the heat: Summer health tips
Posted by True Care Staff in heat, in summer
Summer is here, and while that means extra fun in the sun, it also means it’s time for extra protection from the sun. Excessive heat can cause dangerous conditions such as dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Therefore it’s important to be aware of how to better care for ourselves and our loved ones during the rising temperatures of the Summer. It can be easy to get lost in the joys of summer fun, that’s why True Care is here to remind you how to keep your cool, and share some tips for beating the heat this summer.
6 Ways to Prevent Heat Stroke in Seniors
Posted by True Care Staff in Caregiver Corner, in home care, in heat, in summer
Heat stroke is a danger to all, but it is a severe risk for seniors. Older bodies are less sensitive to changes in temperature and can’t adjust either. So, seniors might not even notice that they’re overheating – until they become unwell. Chronic health conditions and common medications also make it harder for the body to respond to heat.