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Building a strong relationship with your client

A strong caregiver-client relationship can be a difficult thing to achieve. There are many aspects of this unique relationship to consider when first introducing yourself to a new client. The following steps can help when establishing a sound connection with your client:

  • Practice honesty, respect and compassion: Being open and honest with your client is an important part of being a good caregiver. Likewise, when you respect your client, they will be more inclined to show respect in return. They will also be more receptive when you show genuine concern for their well-being in the form of compassion.


  • Be patient and attentive to their needs: At True Care, one of the key characteristics a caregiver must have before being considered is a strong degree of patience. Without patience a caregiver will have a hard time connecting with any client. Additionally, being attentive and able to anticipate the client’s needs is an essential part of being an exceptional caregiver.
  • Build trust: Once you have learned to master the acts of being honest and patient, building trust between client and caregiver is the next important step in strengthening the bond with your client. The best way to do this is by holding yourself true to your word. If your patient expects you to arrive at 8am each morning, but you arrive at 8:05 you are breaking their trust by not keeping your word. This small detail may seem trivial to most, but when building a bond with your client it makes all the difference.



  • Develop keen listening and motivational skills: Always listen to your client, even when they are not asking for help. When you listen to their thoughts and anecdotes it lets them know you care, and they will be more likely to communicate their needs if they know you are listening. Encouraging words can go a long way as well. Say your client is recovering from an injury and has been wheelchair bound for some time. Offering words of encouragement during this time can help motivate them to get better sooner.



  • Take an interest in your client’s hobbies: Whether your client loves to knit, cook, or read in their spare time; taking an interest in these activities and actively participating with them is likely one of the most joyful moments in your client’s day. A common pastime gives you both something to look forward to, and thus bring you closer.

In conclusion, showing compassion and respect toward your client as well as maintaining an open and honest form of communication is a good way to establish a relationship with them. Practicing patience and attentiveness can be a great way to show your client you genuinely care. Building trust by keeping your word is essential and strengthening the bond you have already established. Getting to know your client by listening and offering words of encouragement let’s your client know you are there for them. Finally, taking an interest in their hobbies is a wonderful way to not only share something in common, but to cultivate joy and friendship as a caregiver.

Posted by Kelly La Rosa in Caregiver Corner

Written by Kelly La Rosa Kelly La Rosa

Kelly La Rosa is the Creative Campaigns Manager at True Care. As part of the Branding team, she is responsible for digital content creation, social media management, and Editor of the True Care blog. For years, since the abrupt passing of her paternal grandfather, Kelly has been an advocate for Alzheimer's and dementia-related illnesses. She is currently pursuing an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

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