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Healthfirst Awards True Care in Recognition and Appreciation of Excellence

The True Care team was honored to receive recognition as one of the most improved agencies for the 2017 Healthfirst Quality Incentive Program for LHCSAs.

This recognition speaks to the successful year that True Care has had. True Care has shown commitment to providing patients with the best quality of care. Together with Healthfirst, True Care has focused on improving the quality of care to patients in a variety of categories including patient satisfaction, positive health outcomes, and high quality of care.


Healthfirst held an awards ceremony on Tuesday, November 6th in their office in Manhattan. A large gathering of industry leaders were present to participate in this prestigious event. A delicious breakfast was served during the welcoming remarks from the CEO, Pat Wang, who spoke about the importance of partnerships between Healthfirst and providers. True Care was presented with the award for one of the most improved agencies for the 2017 Healthfirst Quality Incentive Program for LHCSAs during a presentation by Dr. Susan Beane, Vice President and Medical Director of Healthfirst.

Posted by True Care Staff in Insider News

Written by True Care Staff True Care Staff

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