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Transitioning from Hospital to Home: Medical escorts

Posted by True Care Staff

When a person has a surgery or other medical procedure, oftentimes they are mandated to have an adult present who can escort them home after the procedure. Most people will contact a trusted family member or friend to assist them and escort them home safely. However, there are many cases when a family member or friend is unavailable, but the patient still needs to have someone to escort them home. That’s where medical escorts come in. You may or may not have heard the term “medical escort” before, but what do they actually do, and who are they for?  Here’s everything you need to know.

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Services Spotlight: Infusion Therapy

Posted by True Care Staff

Offering several benefits, infusion therapy is the fastest way to deliver blood products (red cells, plasma etc), vitamins, medications, or hydration fluids (saline, electrolytes) directly into a person's circulatory system, infusion therapy has become a reliable and beneficial medication administration option for those who cannot take pills orally.

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True Star Story: Introducing Nasrin Rahman

Posted by True Care Staff

Being a Home Health Aide (HHA) to seniors or people with illnesses or injuries that require assistance means more than taking care of medical tasks and helping out around the house. It is a relationship that can have a significant influence on the patient’s quality of life. HHAs have the ability to establish profound relationships with clients and families. At True Care, our HHAs make it a point to get to know our patients, to spend time with them, and to create healthy bonds that support recovery and a high quality of life.

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Skin cancer: The Importance of A Midsummer Skin Check

Posted by True Care Staff in Health & Lifestyle, in summer, in mindfulness, in wellbeing, in Nutrition

As we approach the dog days of summer and the sun begins to beam on full blast, True Care would like to remind our readers of the dangers of skin cancer. While sunshine is essential for your body to process vitamin D, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can quickly damage the skin. In fact, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Additionally, more than two people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour. Read along to learn more about skin cancer and the main ways to help prevent it. 

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Summer Fun: Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Posted by True Care Staff

Being outside is excellent for mood and emotional stability. Being outdoors gives seniors the chance to socialize, meet new people, take pets for a walk, and engage with their surroundings. Getting outside encourages light exercise, which is an important part of health living in the elderly. It also gives them the chance to soak up fresh sunshine, which can improve physical and emotional health. 

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World Brain Day: Brain Health and Disability

Posted by True Care Staff in Health & Lifestyle, in wellbeing

July 22 is World Brain Day. As the body’s most complex organ, our brains work as our seat of intelligence, interpreter of our senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of behavior. This fascinating and incredibly vital organ is the source of many of the qualities that define our humanity. Your unique body and brain have differed from everyone else's from the moment of your birth. These differences only increase as time goes on, and our bodies and brains integrate our individual experiences in the world. 

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