Caring for aging loved ones can be one of the most gratifying experiences in life. However, it can also place considerable physical, emotional and financial demands on you, as caring for a loved one with a disability or chronic illness requires an extreme and ongoing commitment of physical and emotional energy. If you are a caregiver of an aging loved one you may have been feeling more and more overworked. Maintaining mental health is essential for caregivers because they are continuously handling their loved one's care, while taking care of their own responsibilities.
Celebrating Occupational Therapy Month: How OTs Help People Live Their Best Lives
Posted by True Care Staff
Are you or a loved one having trouble with communication or social skills? Do you find yourself or a loved one struggling to see, hear or think properly? If your answer to either of these questions was yes, or if you may be experiencing a similar situation, you may want to consider occupational therapy (OT).
This April marks the 5th Annual Medicaid Awareness Month. There has never been a better time to raise awareness about Medicaid’s importance in American communities. It is especially critical now as we as a society come up with long-term approaches to managing the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a particularly hard impact on lower-income communities that are more likely to rely on Medicaid. Medicaid provides key funding for hospitals and helps patients get the care they need. Medicaid awareness month is intended to raise understanding for people who may not realize that they are eligible for Medicaid or may not be aware of the range of services that are covered. By increasing awareness, more people may be able to access the care they need to keep themselves and their families healthy.
April is recognized as National Stress Awareness Month. The month was founded to bring attention to the negative impact of stress and promote stress management techniques. Managing stress is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Knowing how to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being as well as minimize the likelihood of developing stress-related health conditions like high blood pressure and becoming overweight. National Stress Awareness Month is a great time to reflect on the many ways in which stress affects our health and wellbeing. This blog will discuss some of the major signs of stress, what we should know about how our body reacts to stress, and what we should avoid in order to manage our stress levels.
Veterans have dedicated their lives to serving their country and keeping their families safe. They are an important class of society, making up 6.4% of the population (16.5 million). It’s important for Veterans and their loved ones to know about the various benefits available to them and how they can attain them. Here, we explore the various types of coverage available for Veterans, and discuss ways to better care for Veterans in a home setting.