Dementia is a disease that affects the brain and its functions. Many times, the person living with dementia will have an understanding that their mind is not “working the way it should.” They feel helpless, frustrated, and angry with their limitations. There is often a lack of awareness of their own physical and mental capabilities. These complex emotions can lead to agitation, anger, and frustration with their caregiver. These feelings can then spill over to verbal and physical aggression if not identified and appropriately managed early on.
Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN
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Aggressive Behaviors in Dementia-affected Individuals
Posted by Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN in Alzheimer's & Dementia
‘Tis the season… for cold and flu. There are several ways germs spread, but the most common is from contaminated hands. This is why handwashing is so important, especially during cold and flu season. However, there are some simple things we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Washing hands often will lessen the chances you will get and spread germs. Get the whole family involved and help everyone stay happy and healthy.
How to Stay Active During the Winter Months
Posted by Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN in Health & Lifestyle
As fall and winter roll around, it can become a challenge to find the motivation and methods to stay active. The days are shorter, colder, and rain or snow may prevent you from going outdoors. It takes some creativity to get the exercise necessary to remain healthy.
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Repetitive Questions and Dementia
Posted by Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN in Alzheimer's & Dementia, in Caregiver Corner
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Nutrition & Dementia: 5 Tips for Successful Mealtimes
Posted by Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN in Health & Lifestyle, in Alzheimer's & Dementia
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Every stage of dementia presents its own set of challenges. Familiarizing yourself with what is common during each stage and getting to know your loved one’s personal preferences can go a long way in supporting their health in the best way possible.
What support systems are available when caring for a loved one?
Posted by Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN in Alzheimer's & Dementia, in Caregiver Corner
I was on my way to work when the driver overheard my phone conversation. After hearing I was a nurse who works with the geriatric population and specifically clients with dementia, he opened up about his particular situation as the sole caregiver for his mother who has dementia. I could hear frustration, fear, and weariness in his voice. He felt guilty about leaving her home alone and worried that she still insisted on driving even though he didn’t think it was safe. He also had several questions about the medications she was taking. He just needed someone to listen.