Music has a profound effect on our moods. When an upbeat tune comes on, it can be hard to resist tapping your feet, bobbing your head, or singing along! And just like that, your mood has been elevated.
Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW
Recent Posts
The Benefits of Music for People with Dementia
Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia
The Search for an Alzheimer's Cure in an Age of Misinformation
Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia
It's so easy to get caught up in health fads. You can find innumerable people who seem knowledgeable online, who are marketing their own solutions to cure or prevent some of the world's most dreaded diseases. Alzheimer's disease is one of the most feared diseases, and, of course, everyone is hoping for a cure. When people advertise their own unproven solutions, they've got an easy market by preying on everyone's hopes and fears.
Celebrating Mother’s Day when Mom has Dementia
Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia
Mother’s Day is a time to reflect and honor the mother figures in your life. However, it can be challenging to figure out how to best celebrate with your Mom if she has dementia. I’ve compiled a few tips for creating a good day together (or apart, if you can’t be nearby).
A Tool for Professional Caregivers: Watch The Father
Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia
As the Oscars approach this weekend, I wanted to bring attention to a special film that’s been nominated in six categories, including best picture, best actor (Anthony Hopkins), and best supporting actress (Olivia Colman). The Father is a moving film in which the main character, beautifully played by Anthony Hopkins, advances further and further into dementia.
Embrace Spring to Increase Quality of Life for People with Dementia
Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia
Spring is here! In no year has it been more welcome than this one, after a long, quarantined winter. If you’re a caregiver for someone with dementia, you might have felt even more isolated than most. This warmer weather brings opportunities to get a change of scenery, and depending on your comfort level, see friends at distance outdoors.
Reconnecting with a Loved One with Dementia
Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia
Spring is coming; a time of possibility and growth. It offers us a moment to reflect and make changes in our lives for the coming year. We all fall into roles and ruts without noticing, but we don’t have to stay there. Now is a good time to look at your relationship roles and assess how you feel about them.