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Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW

Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW is the Director of the True Bridge program at True Care, which provides additional support for those with memory loss. True Bridge provides strengths-based care to empower, encourage, and engage our clients. With almost 15 years of experience working specifically with clients with dementia-related conditions and their families, she enjoys building connections and opportunities for expression through creative engagement. After work, you can find Grace reading, writing, painting, or creating artistic specialty cakes.

Recent Posts

Innovative Ways to Help Your Residents Stay Connected During COVID-19

Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia

As the Coronavirus has ravaged our nation's nursing homes, it's also exacerbated a problem many residents already faced: isolation. As a previous nursing home social worker, I've seen the positive impact of visitors, whether they were families, friends, or entertainers. Visitors brought smiles to our residents' faces, and the good feelings remained long after visitors left. 

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Surprising Ways to Stay Hydrated

Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Health & Lifestyle

Summer is finally here! But so is the danger of dehydration. Staying hydrated is vital for keeping our bodies healthy. Proper hydration regulates your body temperature, keeps your joints lubricated, your organs functioning well, helps to prevent infection, helps prevent kidney stones and constipation, and reduces your risk for a multitude of additional health complications. There's even evidence that drinking water helps enhance older adults' cognition, as dehydration can increase their cognitive fatigue. It also helps your sleep quality and mood, in the event you have recently experienced changes due to COVID-related anxiety.

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Wandering & Elopement in Dementia

Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Alzheimer's & Dementia

If someone you know is developing cognitive changes, it’s time to talk to a doctor and start asking some questions. Since there can be many reasons for cognitive changes, it’s important to get to the root of the cause, so you know the best treatment route and have an idea of what to expect in the future.

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Grief and Loss in a Time of COVID

Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Health & Lifestyle

Here we are. We’re sitting at home, isolated. We’re anxious about the health of ourselves and others we love. We’re getting through each day, slowly, tuning into the news, and hearing conflicting information. Among all this, some of us are grieving. Deaths from COVID-19 are suddenly turning lives upside-down. 

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Helping Those in Need During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Health & Lifestyle, in Coronavirus Updates

Sitting at home day after day can not only become monotonous; it can take a toll on us emotionally and physically. The stress of hearing the news from outside, combined with the stress of home confinement, can weigh on us, and you may start feeling run down. 

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Lack of Pet Care Shouldn’t Prevent Your Medical Treatment

Posted by Grace Townley-Lott, LMSW in Health & Lifestyle

The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing many issues to light, particularly around healthcare and hospitalization. Many people don’t think about preparing for admission to the hospital until it’s too late. It’s imperative to do this ahead of time. Now is the perfect time to gather your medical records, health care proxy, power of attorney, and plan for pet care if needed.

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