A bedsore is a wound that is caused by sustained pressure. Pressure damages the skin when you stay in any one position for a long period of time. Reduced blood circulation to this area of the skin can cause the skin cells to “die” and eventually cause a sore.
Any person who stays in one position for a prolonged period of time either sitting, lying or standing is at risk of developing bedsores. A person who is bed-bound, or even a mobile person who doesn’t spend a lot of time in bed, can develop bedsore if they remain in one position for too long.
What is a Bedsore and What Can You Do to Prevent One?
Posted by Laura Silverstein, MSN, RN, WCC in Health & Lifestyle, in Caregiver Corner
What support systems are available when caring for a loved one?
Posted by Funda Fernandez, BSN, RN in Alzheimer's & Dementia, in Caregiver Corner
I was on my way to work when the driver overheard my phone conversation. After hearing I was a nurse who works with the geriatric population and specifically clients with dementia, he opened up about his particular situation as the sole caregiver for his mother who has dementia. I could hear frustration, fear, and weariness in his voice. He felt guilty about leaving her home alone and worried that she still insisted on driving even though he didn’t think it was safe. He also had several questions about the medications she was taking. He just needed someone to listen.