Summer is finally here! But so is the danger of dehydration. Staying hydrated is vital for keeping our bodies healthy. Proper hydration regulates your body temperature, keeps your joints lubricated, your organs functioning well, helps to prevent infection, helps prevent kidney stones and constipation, and reduces your risk for a multitude of additional health complications. There's even evidence that drinking water helps enhance older adults' cognition, as dehydration can increase their cognitive fatigue. It also helps your sleep quality and mood, in the event you have recently experienced changes due to COVID-related anxiety.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. The cause of anxiety is not fully understood, but it can come from traumatic events or as a result of genetics. Depression is also more common than you may know. It can appear due to various factors, including genetics, trauma, and a change in brain chemistry. Nearly half of the people diagnosed with depression are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as well.
As New York enters the phases of re-opening its non-essential business and an expected end to the stay-at-home orders, True Care would like to remind you of some important health precautions. Preventing COVID-19 and preventing heat-related illnesses are of significant concern right now.
If someone you know is developing cognitive changes, it’s time to talk to a doctor and start asking some questions. Since there can be many reasons for cognitive changes, it’s important to get to the root of the cause, so you know the best treatment route and have an idea of what to expect in the future.
Here we are. We’re sitting at home, isolated. We’re anxious about the health of ourselves and others we love. We’re getting through each day, slowly, tuning into the news, and hearing conflicting information. Among all this, some of us are grieving. Deaths from COVID-19 are suddenly turning lives upside-down.
It is True Care’s mission to protect our clients, home health aides and our nurses. COVID-19 is a new virus that has required the world to quickly adapt and find ways to stay safe; as a trusted Home Care Agency, we immediately put protocols in place to ensure safety and continued quality of care for our clients. We continue to follow city, state and federal guidelines, and have implemented many initiatives and programs to address the concerns of infection from COVID-19.