Every job has its stressful moments, no matter what field or career path you've chosen. Home health care is not immune to these stresses. As a caregiver, we understand there is a high likelihood that you will reach what is called "caregiver burnout" at some point in your journey. With that in mind, we've compiled eight ways you can avoid feeling overwhelmed that are simple and easy to apply.
A Portrait of ME: A Four-Week Art Workshop at AFA
Posted by Kelly La Rosa in Insider News, in Alzheimer's & Dementia
True Care’s memory care program, True Bridge, is pleased to announce a special workshop offered at the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) as part of their Artist in Residency program. Our very own Director of Programs and Engagement, Jodie Berman, has been asked to instruct a series of four art classes each Wednesday from October 16th through November 6th. This program is generously supported by a grant from the Louis & June Kay Foundation. The Artist in Residency program at AFA began in June of 2019 and is “part of AFA’s mission to provide free programs and services to individuals living with dementia and their caregivers.”
Flu Season is Coming: Time to Get Your Flu Vaccine
Posted by Laura Silverstein, MSN, RN, WCC in Health & Lifestyle
Flu season is upon us once again. This is the perfect time to prepare and protect yourself and those around you against this nasty virus. In the healthcare industry, we know the importance of staying healthy and happy, so this is the perfect opportunity for us to explain why getting your flu shot is so important.
Here’s a question we get asked a lot via Live Chat, “I need a home health aide for my loved one but they only have Medicare, not Medicaid. Can you help?”
The short answer is, “Yes, we can.”
You may have seen one of our many recruiting ads on social media for True Care Hiring Events in NYC and Westchester County. Becoming a True Caregiver is quick and easy if you are already a certified home health aide in NYC. However, if you are interested in becoming a caregiver but have little to no experience and do not hold a certification from the state, True Care has created a Home Health Aide Certification Program where we help potential applicants get trained and certified near their home for little or no cost. Once you are certified and ready to join True Care, you can immediately apply to be a True Caregiver with us.
How to be an Involved Caregiver
Posted by Kelly La Rosa in Caregiver Corner
Our caregivers work hard so that our clients may have the highest quality of life as possible while in their care. Being an efficient caregiver requires learning strategies for planning, problem-solving, and for taking care of yourself. Studies show that caregivers - whether they are home health aides or family members - are at high risk of burnout, stress-related illness, depression, fatigue, and even loss of friends and strained family relations if they do not look after their own health and well-being.